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Avalon - Algorithmes et Architectures logicielles pour des plates-formes distribuées et haute performance

Disciplines Computer Science
Research fields Algorithms, Parallel and distributed computing, Scientific computation
Supporting organisms CNRS, ENS de Lyon, Inria, UCBL, UDL
Geographical location ENS de Lyon (Campus Charles Mérieux)
Team leader Christian Perez

The Avalon research team is a joint group between Inria, CNRS, ENS Lyon, the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, and the University of Lyon. The goal of the team is to improve the execution of parallel and/or distributed applications on parallel and/or distributed resources such as cloud or supercomputers while ensuring user and system objectives with respect to performance, cost, energy, security, etc. The team in particular focuses on the management of four types of resources: energy, data, computing, and software. Theoretical results of the team are validated with simulations and experiments on platforms such as Grid’5000 or production platforms