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BioSyL day.

The BioSyL day will be held in Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école) at ENS de Lyon on the 16th of September.

Registration is free but mandatory. Register as soon as possible so we can arrange the organisational details (simply add your name to the framacalc).

You can find a poster for this event here.


9h30-10h - Wellcome coffee and introductory speech


10h-11h - Keynote presentation

Geneviève Dupont, Université Libre de Bruxelles

"Stochasticity and cell fate decision in the early mammalian embryo"


11h-12h - Contributed talks session 1


11h-11h30 Thomas Lepoutre, project-team DRACULA,INRIA

"Emergence of a predictable behavior from random events: study of a relaxation phenomenon at the cellular level"


11h30-12h00 Sophie Abby and Nelle Varoquaux, TrEE (Translational microbiology, Evolution and Engineering, TIMC, Grenoble)

"Interdisciplinary evolutionary microbiology in Grenoble".


12h00-14h00 - Lunch buffet


14h00-15h30 - Contributed talks session 2


14h00-14h15 Olivier Gandrillon, LBMC, Ens de Lyon

"Present and future of the BioSyL federation"


14h15-14h30 Magali Richard, MAGe team, TIMC, Grenoble.

"Presentation of the MAGe team: Models and Algorithms for Genomics"


14h30-15h00 Laurent Guyon, CEA IRIG (Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble)

"Predicting microRNA expression at the single cell level: lessons from a single cell co-sequencing dataset"


15h00-15h30 Nawal Hajj Sleiman, Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon (IGFL)

"Molecular Bases of Osteogenesis and Therapeutic Perspectives against Osteoporosis"


15h30-16h00 - Coffee break


16h00-17h30 - Contributed talks session 3


16h00-16h30 Jean-Michel Arbona, LBMC, Ens de Lyon

"Neural network and kinetic modelling of human genome replication reveal replication origin locations and strengths"


16h30-17h00 Matteo Bouvier, Team SBDM, LBMC, ENS de Lyon et Vidium solutions

"A Design of Experiment strategy for Gene Regulatory Network selection and refinement"


17h00-17h30 Théotime Grohens, INSA-Lyon, LIRIS, INRIA Beagle team

"Emergence of complex regulation patterns through the interplay between transcription, supercoiling and genome organization"

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