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About BioSyL

What is systems biology?

"Systems biology is a means of understanding the dynamic interactions between the components of a living system and, also, between living systems and their interactions with the environment.

It is an approach by which biological questions are addressed through integrating experiments in iterative cycles with computational modelling, simulation and theory. Modelling is not the final goal, but it is a tool to increase understanding of the system, to develop more directed experiments and, finally, allow predictions.

Intrinsic to systems biology is its interdisciplinary nature and the common aim of achieving the quantitative understanding of dynamic biological processes, through the use of mathematical and statistical analyses to integrate biological data, in order to develop predictive models of biological behaviour. "

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Finding partners is a critical task in the French community of Systems Biologists, involving many administrative entities across various fields. Our mission at  BioSyL is to offer a clear access to the players that « do the job » in laboratories and companies. We are committed in a constructive partnership with all structures that are relevant to our activities, thus pooling efforts towards greater effectiveness.

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