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5th Advanced Lecture Course on Computational Systems Biology

We are excited to announce the  5th Advanced Lecture Course on Computational Systems Biology  which will be held between October 5-10, 2025 ( at Aussois (France). Pre-registrations are open and abstracts may be submitted.

The main Course emphasis is methodological. One goal is to illustrate the wealth and diversity of Systems Biology issues for scientists from Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics. Another goal is to allow biologists motivated by Systems Biology to go deeper into methodological issues in order to facilitate their contacts with scientists from the formal sciences. 

Sessions are preferentially organized around methodological issues: multi-scale and spatio-temporal modeling, genetic and molecular networks, dynamical and stochastic systems, machine learning and AI for systems biology, with a constant eye on biological relevance ( This will be complemented by blackboard teaching and hands-on sessions in parallel classes bearing on specific topics or methods ( The Course will be an opportunity for participants to interact directly with 23 prominent scientists ( in this rapidly growing field. 

The conference center is located in a lovely authentic village, Aussois, nestled in the heart of the French National Park of Vanoise, a huge and beautiful natural space where flora and fauna are protected, located in the French Alps. In order to facilitate casual interactions during the conference, there will be time for hiking in the afternoon to discover such wonderful landscape.  

Participants are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract of their current work to be presented as a poster in order to facilitate scientific interactions. Some abstracts will be selected for short talks by the Scientific Committee. Fellowships are available for students and will be awarded to cover registration fees on the basis of the submitted abstract. The School is free of charge for CNRS employees (researchers, PhD students, postdocs, engineers, etc.).

Best regards

The Organisation Committee of CompSysBio2025

Key dates
Abstract submission until July 31st 2025
Registration until August 31st 2025





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