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BioSyl - October Newsletter


Hello dear BioSyl members,

In this October newsletter, a final reminder of the LyonSysBio conference, a conference in Paris and a call for grants.
Don't forget our general assembly on the 18th of November.

We hope to see you in numbers for these events.

François for BIOSYL


LyonSysBio is the yearly international conference organized by BioSyL(

In 2015, the conference will be held from the 18th to the 20th of November in Lyon.

​Keynote lectures will be delivered by the following speakers:

Gregoire Altan-Bonnet (MSK cancer center, New-York)
Becca Asquith (Imperial College, London)
Chris Bakal (Institute of cancer research, London)
Suckjoon Jun (University of California, San Diego)
James Locke (University of Cambridge)
John Marioni (European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge)
Carsten Peterson (Computational Biology & Biological Physics, Lund University, Sweden)
Andreas Wagner (IEU, University of Zurich)

A satellite “Meet The Industry” session will be co-organized with Ecofect and gather scientists from the academia and industry.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Lyon for LyonSysBio 2015!

Dear All,
We are please to announce the opening of the web site, dedicated to Modeling in Cell and Developmental Biology, 1st December 2015, in the Biopark Auditorium, Paris. Registration is mandatory but free of charge.
The aim of the Workshop is to present the state of the art and potentialities of mathematical modeling and numerical simulations to study dynamical processes arising on different scales in the field of Cell and Developmental Biology, and to discuss new perspectives in the field.
Internationally renowned scientists will present interdisciplinary works at the interface between biology andphysics or mathematics during four themed sessions: 
  • Biophysical modeling of intracellular processes, 
  • Cell dynamics and tissue differentiation, 
  • Modeling plant morphogenesis, and 
  • Modeling animal morphogenesis and morphological evolution. 
For the organizing committee: 
Dr Frédérique Clément, MYCENAE Team, INRIA
Dr Laurent Héliot, Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes etMolécules (PhLAM)
Dr Nadine Peyriéras CNRS USR3695 BioEmergences
Dr Sylvie Schneider-Maunoury, IBPS-Biologie du Développement, (CNRS/Inserm/UPMC)


CASyM research exchange grants in Systems Medicine: 
Step 1 application opened (call autumn 2015) 
CASyM is opening up to 5 research exchange grants for research collaboration in systems medicine projects between CASyM partners and associates. The aim is to support research exchange of doctoral fellows and post-docs in complementary fields of systems medicine provided by the hosting CASyM institutions. The call is divided in two steps. 
In Step 1 the CASyM and associate partners who are willing to accept fellows apply with a research theme and expertise offered to exchange fellows (from CASyM partners or associates). A CASyM working group will evaluate submitted applications and work out a priority list. 
In Step 2 exchange fellows will apply for the opened positions from step 1. Hosting institutions/supervisors and the CASyM working group will evaluate submitted applications and work out a second priority list for each opened position. 
The maximum amount of the exchange grant will depend on the hosting country but cannot exceed 5.000 €. The envisioned exchange period is 1 – 3 months between January 2016 and October 2016. Eligible expenses are travel, living and lodging. Salary and materials are not eligible costs. 
Applications for Step 1 should include: 
 Name of the receiving/host institution: CASyM or associated partner (please write host institution and supervisor´s full address) 
 Title of the collaborative work 
 A project description (max 1.000 words) 
 The expected duration of the research exchange (1 – 3 months) 
Application deadline: 
Send your applications until Monday, November 16, 2015 to: 
 and/or 



Septembre 2018 »
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