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SeMoVi - 10 years anniversary in video

Presentation by Martin Howard, Louis J. Gross, Carole Knibbe, Angélique Stéphanou and Peter Uetz

Cell size control in fission yeast

By Martin Howard from John Innes Centre, Norwich - United Kingdom

Cell Size Control in Fission Yeast

Integrating human behavior and risk perception into climate models

By Louis J. Gross from National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Mathematics, University of Tennessee

Modeling Human Risk Perception and Impacts on Climate Change

Insights on genome dynamics from in silico experimental evolution and mathematical modelling

By Carole Knibbe from Inria Beagle team and LIRIS laboratory Université Lyon 1, France

Insights on genome dynamics from in silico experimental evolution and mathematical modelling

Design of a virtual tumour

By Angélique Stéphanou from Laboratoire TIMC-IMAG/DyCTim

Design of a virtual tumour

10 years of protein interaction networks in bacteria and yeast

By Peter Uetz from Center for the Study of Biological Comlexity, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA

10 years of protein interaction networks in bacteria and yeast


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